Saturday, March 23, 2019

Monster Crap Inductee: Leprechaun In The Hoods (2000)

Monster Crap Inductee: Leprechaun In The Hood
Lep In The Hood Gonna Be No Good


I guess I probably need to apologize for some false hype. You see, last induction…I made it sound like Leprechaun In The Hood was going to be this fun induction with no problems. Well, that is sadly what I get for having last watched a movie 18 years ago as while I still find this the third best Leprechaun film in the series, this film………has not aged well at all. You see, this film has plenty of jokes that would sadly get a shaking of the head, a facepalm, or quite possibly a pissed off “You’re a bigot” response. And despite all of that, I still am going to have to say this is better than Leprechaun In Space, which may have helped with me liking the film more back then than now.

You see, after the really internal groaning that Leprechaun In Space gave me, I guess it gave a lot of people in Trimark the same feeling as well because the director of Part 3 and Part 4 didn’t return and they decided to bring the Leprechaun back to Earth and completely forget Part 4 ever happened (although to be fair…they did that with all the sequels in forgetting the last movie happened). So don’t bother asking me how Leprechaun got to the hood because they don’t care to mention how he gets from one film to another so I won’t.

So of course, Warwick Davis has returned as the Leprechaun because he actually does like doing these films and he gets paid decently for these films. And getting rap star Ice T was actually a big lucky get for this film because if they tried making this film a year later, they probably would not have been able to get him (as I’ll mention later). Oh and the only other name of note that they would get as a cameo is Coolio, who you may remember from Dracula 3000.

I Really Should Use This Picture More Often. Alright, If I See Coolio In Any Future Induction, I Am Using This Pic. It’s Just Too Hilarious

And with that being said, let’s get into this film and to any of you who get offended, you already have my apologies for what happens in this film and yes, I know it should never be funny.

We begin with the Trimark logo.

I Think You Know What Comes Next When I Induct One Of These Trimark Films


We then go to reused footage from past Leprechaun films with a voice over that sets up this film well as basically, this is the Leprechaun’s M.O. in this film.

Leprechaun: Death to he who sets a Leprechaun free. Steal his gold, it will corrupt your soul, you see. For many a moon the legend has grown, death toll increases, solution unknown. Beware the evil wanderer in search of his loot, lest you suffer the wrath of his golden flute. Flee while you can, the future's not good- for no one is safe from a Lep in the Hood!

Yeah, you will know quite early the main star of this series as is always through these films I’ve covered so far (except that WWE Films abomination with freaking Hornswoggle looking like a cross between an ape and a goblin).

Yeah, That Film Wanted You To Believe That Was A Leprechaun. What A Joke!!!

Anyway, the star is Warwick Davis…who brings all the fun into this role. And that intros us to the title.

Then we go to a place that the Leprechaun has never been to….the 70s.

And Ice T’s Ridiculous Afro. Let’s Just Put This Hear And Laugh.

Ice T plays a gangster named Mack Daddy and he is here with his partner in the 70s, Slug.

They are in an abandoned part of the subways (only known by the sounds of the subway train going by). And the place isn’t empty as there is a case of Colt 45 and a partly eaten cheeseburger.

Me Thinks Some Guys Already Beat You Here (Or More Than Likely, Catering Forgot To Clear Out And These Actors Had To Work Around This Because Film Is Expensive)

Mack Daddy is upset and thinks the map that Slug got was bullshit as there is no gold. Of course that changes after Mack Daddy shoves Slug through a fake wall and wouldn’t you know it, the gold is right there.

Along With A Leprechaun Statue With A Medallion On It.

If you remember Leprechaun 3, that medallion is probably to keep the Leprechaun a statue, so after Mack Daddy basically says Slug can have the gold except for a gold flute.

Yep, That Is All Mack Daddy Cares About.

Anyway, of course….Slug wants the medallion around the Leprechaun statue’s neck and takes it off the statue.

Those Red Eyes Immediately Tell You That Was A Mistake

As Slug is collecting the gold, the Leprechaun takes Slug’s afro pick and…

We then see Slug come to Mack Daddy with the afro comb in a deadly position.

So Long, Slug…We Hardly Knew You

Mack Daddy grabs his gun and the Leprechaun appears before him and if you think, “There is no way this film is going to have an Irish Leprechaun bastard use Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Free At Last” quote…

You Would Be Sadly Mistaken.

Man, Just Makes Me Think Of That Boondocks Episode Where MLK Jr. Was Still Alive And He Was Not Happy With The Way Things Have Gone Down. He Would Definitely Be Pissed At This Use Of His Line That Was Etched On His Tombstone

Leprechaun immediately takes care of the gun in Mack Daddy’s hand by using his magic to make the gun too hot to handle.

Mack Daddy then goes Captain Caveman by having random weapons come out of his afro.

Dude Had A Freaking Baseball Bat In His Afro Somehow

The leprechaun disposes of these weapons with his magic and just when he has Mack Daddy cornered, Mack Daddy sees a conveniently placed steam pipe and turns that sucker on to burn the Leprechaun’s face.

The Leprechaun falls back on a plank of wood that catapults the medallion, which lands straight on the Leprechaun, turning him back into a statue.

Mack Daddy is happy and he grabs everything before we go to the present. And in the present, we go to a club where a rap trio is trying to impress the club owners with their “positive rap lyrics”.

Of course, they are Postmaster P, Stray Bullet, and Butch and this performance goes badly as Butch tries to use a concoction with his turntables, which blow up.

The club owner is rather pissed at this and tells the rappers to get the hell out of his club.

A Short Part For A Rapper Named Bad Azz

With the turntables busted, they need to buy a new one so they try to scam some store owners with a guitar “given to Postmaster P’s uncle by Jimi Hendrix in 1971”.

Both Pawn Brokers Jackie Dee And Chow Yung Pi Both Correctly Knew That Jimi Hendrix Died In 1970.

Jackie Dee specifically says neither of the three are gangsters and Butch is still a virgin. And Chow sounds like a stereotypical Asian person in one of these low rent movies that deal with life in the hood. After the three fail on scamming the guitar, they see Mack Daddy who has a posse and more importantly…

Got Rid Of That Ridiculous Afro

He calls them the Milli Vanilli of Compton Rap. Stray Bullet tries to get him to listen to their demo tape and out of the goodness of Mack Daddy’s heart, he tells the three to get in his limo as he will listen to the demo tape.

He listens to the track and after it is done, he says the three do have potential. However, this demo tape he does not like and smashes it. He thinks this positivity stuff sucks and they should be talking about money, hos, and shooting people. Postmaster P says their image is all about positivity and they can’t change that. Stray Bullet tries to say changes can be made, but Mack Daddy is done with them and he insults them as well as kicking them out.

Stray Bullet is pissed about them being insulted and believe they still can be dope while winning the upcoming rap competition. Butch says unless they win the lotto, they wont be able to even enter with their stuff messed up beyond repair. Stray Bullet then gets an idea to rob Mack Daddy while he is out partying and they decide to do it, despite Postmaster P’s hesitation as this might ruin their reputation for positivity.

That night, they break into Mack Daddy’s pad pretty easily (as he apparently has no security). They steal his gun, some gold, and most importantly, the golden flute which Mack Daddy sees as so important. Unfortunately, Mack Daddy comes home and Postmaster P shoots him.

They also blow up that glass case holding the Leprechaun statue. Since they think they have killed Mack Daddy, they hurry while Butch knocks the necklace off the statue in his haste. The Leprechaun shows up and laughs while saying this.

Leprechaun: Unhand Me Gold, You Thieving Hoods. You Got More Loot Than Tiger Woods.

They all are freaked out by this, but since they have guns, they shoot the Leprechaun.

They Shoot So Much, His Arm Falls Off Before Going Down.

The three then run for the hills.

Of course, Mack Daddy isn’t dead as the bullet hit the pendant he was wearing.

Phew…Almost Got Capped By The Positivity Trio. That Would Have Been A Sad Way For Him To Go, I’m Sure.

Bad news for him is the Leprechaun is also still alive and gets his arm to crawl over to his body so he can reattach it.

He also says this as Mack Daddy runs away.

Leprechaun: A lot of time has come and passed. But still, I see that you’re a big, fat ass.

Yeah, that isn’t a rhyme.

That night, Mack Daddy is on the phone at a bar and he is calling for some help against the Leprechaun. He then runs into the restroom and when he kicks everyone out, he thinks he sees the Leprechaun in the mirror, but he isn’t there when he turns around. Mack Daddy then decides to calm himself down, he needs a hit of some chronic.

Of Course, The Leprechaun Then Shows Up.

He asks about the aroma coming from the weed and then smokes it.

Yep…That Is A Leprechaun Smoking Some Weed.

He likes the stuff and after some small stuff where Mack Daddy tells him that shit is the bomb, the Leprechaun has this to say.

Leprechaun: A friend with weed is a friend indeed.

Mack Daddy smiles, but the Leprechaun continues.

Leprechaun: But a friend with gold is the best, I’m told.

The Leprechaun then rips off one of Mack Daddy’s fingers with a gold ring on it.

The Leprechaun makes this threat.

Leprechaun: Now find me gold in record time, or you’ll suffer a bloody, hideous crime

Mack Daddy runs out of the bar and when the Leprechaun walks out, the bartender looks at him and calls him ugly.

He uses his magic to repel the bartender back and he turns on some rap, which the Leprechaun likes. The bartender then tries to hit the Leprechaun with a mic stand, but the Leprechaun grabs it and electrocutes the guy to death. 

Meanwhile, we see Postmaster P, Stray Bullet, and Butch using the gold to buy a new audio equipment and $550 from Jackie Dee. We also see the power of the golden flute that Postmaster P stole and Mack Daddy gave such huge importance to.

Yep…It Hypnotizes People

Of course the Leprechaun also senses that flute so he knows exactly that they are there. They also buy some party supplies from Chow Yung Pi. Chow even tries to show him his dance moves and its bad. Of course once again, P uses the flute and yeah, now the Leprechaun knows they were there as well.

Meanwhile as he is looking through his broken into home, Mack Daddy finally realizes that they stole the flute and he is pissed now. But Mack Daddy does find the necklace that was dropped.

Outside, Jackie Dee runs into the Leprechaun and the Leprechaun says this.

Leprechaun: I’m here to claim me golden schillings. Now, give them back, or there might be killings.

Jackie Dee insults him and then the Leprechaun leaves as he has something else planned for him. He has planned for him to have Jackie Dee meet with a woman who was Jackie’s wife and after some rubbing, Jackie gets killed by the illusion as the woman is now scarred and the Leprechaun hears the killing from within the car.

Poor Jackie

Elsewhere, Postmaster P is looking on from a roof at people partying in a window that is their place. Stray Bullet and Butch come up to talk to him and Postmaster P has regrets with how they got this wealth. Stray Bullet said things went more than they had planned, but things will be straight now. Postmaster P is happy to hear that, but they are interrupted when Mack Daddy and his goons show up and he wants the flute back. Stray Bullet and Butch don’t know about the flute, but Postmaster P does and stays silent. Mack Daddy is about to shoot them, but he can’t, since the Leprechaun ripped off his trigger finger. The three would-be rappers than jump off the roof and land into a dumpster, and then run away.

The three drive to their usual hang-out spot and it is at this time, that Postmaster P shows off the flute. He reveals that he was scared so he didn’t give it to him. They then decide that they need to lay low until the audition, go to Vegas, and then they’ll be safe after they win. And who are they gonna stay with until then?

Yep….A Tranny.

Again, I’m not going to pretend this was fine. This wasn’t fine and it was rather cringeworthy even then. This is Fontaine Rivera and the actor here probably doesn’t want to remember this role to much, and unlike Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Aniston who are just upset they were in some B-horror movie when they were young and before they got too big for stuff like this, this I definitely understand if this actor who plays mostly gangsters in movies is not too proud of doing this. It’s like Sylvester Stallone when he was in that softcore porn before he got big, sometimes you gotta do a role you aren’t proud of because of desperation.

Anyway, they pay Fontaine the money to stay at his place for the night.

Meanwhile, the Leprechaun kills Chow and puts his head in one of those preservative jars.

They jam out back with Fontaine dancing when they get told to shut up by a neighbor since it is night.

They go back inside since this neighbor is rather insistent that they turn that shit off. But then P plays his flute and that neighbor now wants to hear that rap.

He May Also Think P Is Dreamy, At Least That Is What That Image Tells Me

And they have a rap party. Afterwards, P brings up the problem with giving Mack Daddy back the flute even though that is all he really wants, which is that the flute is how he became successful and how they will be successful. Fontaine decides to retire for the night after showing that she is a pre-operation transvestite. The Leprechaun of course heard that flute and he arrives at that place rather fast. Of course the Leprechaun calls her fruit, but Fontaine is not too bothered and takes the Leprechaun to her room.

Yeah, Fontaine is struggling, but the moans make the guys think she is having sex and accidentally walk in on her, which she is in a position to make them believe she is having sex. But of course, the Leprechaun is murdering instead.

The Leprechaun comes out of that room and is noticed by Postmaster P. They set up a trap thanks to Butch’s knowledge of mixing chemicals and when he falls for it, he is set on fire.

With the Leprechaun lit up, P, Stray, and Butch get the hell out of there. Butch says they need to go to church as he thinks the religious sanctuary will save them from this Leprechaun. But P makes them go to his mom’s house first because she wants to make sure she is safe and he has many reasons to want to do this.

She Is Blind, After All

We of course get some info that Stray’s mom was sneaking around with Jackie Dee and Butch needs to get laid. Yes, everyone knows Butch is a virgin and apparently that is a problem. As someone who is 36 and still a virgin, I don’t find this funny. Stray does not believe the flute is magical so P shows him that it is by using it to hypnotize Butch while Stray had his ears covered.

After this stop, they go to the church of Reverend Hanson.

Hey, It’s The Mayor From The Mask

They ask for sanctuary and he gives it to them, but they need to do him a favor as the musical entertainment for mass today got cancelled as the lead singer got arrested. So basically, they are the back-up and as mass is going on, we see Hanson having the collection plate ready as the lord’s work doesn’t come cheap.

At Least He Isn’t Asking His Congregation For Millions Of Dollars For A Jet. Seriously, The Nerve Of Some Preachers.

We then get the three rappers as the musical entertainment and…they really don’t know much about God as they say that if Jesus don’t love him, he’ll find a ho, Jesus’ mom is Mary…..Jo, and his disciples were some bad mofos.

Then P uses the flute and it hypnotizes the crowd into staying and they get a guest.

It’s Coolio As….Coolio, Who Was Just In The Neighborhood For Some Reason

So they start rapping and it’s some bad rapping about the lord so I think if Coolio wasn’t hypnotized, this would be his reaction.

So after this, Stray realizes that Mack has good reason to be pissed off as this was his damn meal ticket. Butch still wants to give it back, but both P and Stray want to keep the flute. But of course, Butch sees that Mack Daddy is on his way. They hide, but don’t realize that the Leprechaun is in the room with them so as everyone is saying they need a plan, they do the whole fist bump for agreements and Butch fist bumps the Leprechaun.

Okay, I Laughed At This. Sometimes, It’s The Simple Jokes That Work

They realize the Leprechaun is there and run, but run into Mack Daddy and his crew.

They get cornered by Mack Daddy and his bodyguard, but the Leprechaun shows up. Mack Daddy insults the Leprechaun without knowing he is there and doesn’t believe P when he says the Leprechaun is behind him. Mack Daddy wants his goon to blow P’s head off, but the Leprechaun asks if someone said blow. He then uses his back to blow a hole through the goon.

Mack Daddy decides to run away and now the three rappers have to deal with the Leprechaun. They hide in Hanson’s room. The Leprechaun wants in, but using some old Looney Toons trick, they open the door and he runs right into a safe that they close.

They’re Classics For A Reason As They’re Timeless Jokes When Used Well

As the Leprechaun wants out, the reverend says that this is the lord’s house and no one’s afraid of his ass. So they try to use a tape of the flute, but the flute’s sound doesn’t record. They decide they are going to have to use the real deal and ask the reverend to keep the Leprechaun locked in his safe. They get him to agree with this idea when they offer to split the profits they win from Vegas with them. When Butch asks about Mack Daddy, Stray Bullet produces a gun from under Hanson’s podium. Hanson asks how they know about his gun and Stray says everyone knows he keeps one there.

Now trapped in the safe, the Leprechaun says the following…

Leprechaun: From the depths of the netherworld, I summon you, me zombie fly girls.

Again, not a rhyme.

P. Stray, and Butch use the flute to succeed in their audition at the club that they got kicked out of at the beginning. Meanwhile, Reverend Hanson gets met by a fly girl.

Yep…She’s Good Looking

Of course the reverend has the weakness of lust against him and is seduced by her charms. Of course, it is revealed she is one of the fly girls that the Leprechaun summoned.

This proves to be bad as elsewhere the Leprechaun was freed and kills Hanson.

Back at the club, P, Stray, and Butch are making the crowd happy.

After their performance and back in the dressing room, they are met by Berry Grady.

Obviously Named After Motown Founder Berry Gordy. 

And boy, does he not look like a guy who would be hip to the rap scene. Might as well be me in that get up. Since this movie is ridiculous as it is, this dawg would have more street cred than this guy and he is literally a dog.

Yo, Homeys...You Can Rap About How You're Helping The Community And All, But We Need Hit Songs Talking How Great You Are And What Great Stuff You Have. That Gangsta Stuff Mack Daddy Has Been Peddling Is Gonna Be Less Valuable In The Years, Especially With The Future Younger Generation. Also Invest In This Upcoming Thing Called Autotune. Trust Me, I'm A Dog....I Know How To Make Kids Happy.  

Berry tells them that they are going to Vegas and the finals. They are extremely happy about this news and it looks even better when some hot girls come to celebrate. Of course that ends when they show their glowing green eyes and the Leprechaun appears.

How You Like Me Ladies, Lad

He then makes this quip.

Leprechaun: The crowd were impressed. They loved every note. But how will you sound from the bottom of me moat.

Hmmm….grammatically, that isn’t a rhyme. But it sounds like a rhyme so….

I’ll Allow It

The Leprechaun demands the flute. Stray Bullet produces the gun and tries to shoot the Leprechaun. The Leprechaun then uses his magic to make Stray point his gun at Butch and demands the flute.  P gives the Leprechaun the flute and Stray is let go from the Leprechaun’s magic. The Leprechaun is about to leave with his honeys, but P starts to go after him. For even making a step against him, the Leprechaun decides that they need a lesson and that lesson involves using his magic to make Stray Bullet kill himself.

Postmaster P and Butch leave Stray’s body in a car as they leave. P wants to get back the flute, but Butch says it is all over and tells P that they need to just go home. Meanwhile, the Leprechaun seems to be using his flute for his own purposes.

By Using It To Hook Up With Ladies So He Can Get Laid.

The next morning, the Leprechaun comes to P’s mom’s house.

Of course, the mom thinks he is one of P’s friends and thinks he needs to eat so she is going to feed him.

This goes about as well as you would expect a blind woman feeding a person will go in that she accidentally stabs the Leprechaun in the eye.

But this is just a dream as Postmaster P awakens from his bed.

What A Nightmare!!! I Gotta Tell My Mom To Stop Feeding People. She Is Definitely Gonna Take Someone's Eye Out One Of These Days. 

There is a knock on his door and if you are expecting the Leprechaun for another dream sequence….you would be wrong as we aren’t pulling that old cliché. It is instead Butch with head lights as if he is preparing for a heist.


So after Butch has read a Leprechaun For Dummies book…

Seriously…Although I Hope There Are Less Misspellings Than That "Wrestling For Dummies" Book

He has created a joint of weed that has four leaf clovers in it.

Yeah, a leprechaun can lose his powers temporarily by ingesting a four leaf clover. Also apparently, Butch found that the Leprechaun has a room in a compound and every night he has fly honeys come up there, but never come back so he thinks the Leprechaun is fucking them to death. So of course, how will they get in there?

Go In Drag…

Butch also reminds them that Mack Daddy is still out there and they need to deal with him. P produces a gun.

Yep…That May Deal With Mack Daddy

They meet up with the Leprechaun’s ladies and get them to smoke the four leaf clover joint. The spell the Leprechaun put on them is broken.

They get them to tell the two where the Leprechaun is and they give it to them so now we see them in the elevator. Butch admits that Postmaster P looks good as a woman.

I Don’t Think So….But Then Again, Men Isn’t My Cup Of Tea. Not That There Is Anything Wrong With That.

The Leprechaun also has this to say when he sees the lady.

Leprechaun: Come closer, come closer, my fresh young lass. Let me take a look at ya, before I tap her ass.

Yes, the Leprechaun believes this is a woman and takes the joint. He says this afterwards.

Leprechaun: Sit Down, Sit Down, My Healthy Filly. You’re About To Meet A Club Named Billy.

He also says this.

Leprechaun: They say in the hood, you’re never down….unless you’ve the courage to go…..*points at crotch* down town.

The Leprechaun is about to kiss her, but he passes out before the deed gets done.

They steal the flute and go back to the ground level to leave, but gunshots reign as Mack Daddy sees them and is shooting. They two move behind the bar, but unfortunately Butch has been mortally wounded.

Butch says he does not want to die in a dress. In most movies, this virgin would live, but in this film….he is sadly going to die in this dress.

Hope The Higher Power Above Finds A Way To Get Him Laid Afterwards. For The BS He's Had To Put Up With, He Deserves Something Good

Mack Daddy wants them to come out so P does come out and Mack Daddy even mentions that P is looking good. Mack Daddy says that he has the only way to deal with the Leprechaun as he has the necklace. P puts the gun to him and Mack says Postmaster isn’t gangster enough to shoot him. Well...he did shoot you beforehand on accident when he was merely scared, you just killed his pal so...

Yeah, You're Getting Shot With Prejudice. 

The Leprechaun then shows up and he is not too happy about being played. Postmaster P is forced down by the Leprechaun’s magic. It seems over for the remaining rapper and even he has an Irish accent to speak although it was probably dubbed.

Postmaster P: If this is supposed to be Post’s last stand, you’ll have to take this flute from me cold, dead hand.

The Leprechaun approaches, but Mack Daddy isn’t dead.

Mack Daddy goes wrestling and hits the Leprechaun in the back with a chair.

He’s Hardcore. He’s Hardcore.

The Leprechaun then uses his magic to kill Mack Daddy.

This may be all, but with Mack Daddy’s death….the necklace falls in the air.

We hear the Leprechaun scream and we go to black. When we come back, we see that Postmaster P has become a successful rapper.

Happy ending, right? Well…the movie isn’t over as after his set, Postmaster P leaves the stage and takes off his sunglasses to reveal.

Yes, In The Rare Moment That Was Not Done In Leprechaun Films (Or Basically Any Film With A Slasher Franchise) And Never Will Again, The Leprechaun Wins!!!

The Leprechaun reveals that he taught Postmaster P all that the rapper knows.

So the Leprechaun then raps with “Lep In The Hood” and gets the ladies back under control (as apparently they were in this club too).

So yeah, there would be a sequel to this film, but sadly….this would be the last Leprechaun film by Trimark as a year after this film, Trimark merged with Lionsgate. So like Leprechaun: Origins, every Leprechaun film after this one is made by Lionsgate. It’s sadly what happens in business where bigger companies eat smaller ones and even today, we have Disney buying all of 20th Century Fox Film Corporation.

As far as the cast goes, the biggest aftermath would come to Ice T (who played Mack Daddy) as on the same year as this film was released, Ice T would be cast Fin Tutuola in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, a show that still goes on today and is the longest Law & Order series going today. Warwick Davis (who played the Leprechaun) would be the most called upon midget actor in the industry although the most famous living midget actor now belongs to Peter Dinklage. Anthony Montgomery (who played Postmaster P) would do decently for himself as he was cast in Star Trek: Enterprise (even though its one of the least popular Star Trek Series) and is currently on General Hospital as Dr. Andre Maddox. Dan Martin (who played Jackie Dee) would continue on with his soap opera role as Bradley Baker in The Bold & The Beautiful. Sadly there are two people who passed away. Ivory Ocean (who played Rev. Hanson) died at the age of 65 in 2011. Jack Ong (who played Chow Yung Pi) died at the age of 75 in 2017 from brain cancer.

So my opinion of this film is that despite it aging terribly since 18 years ago, I still like this film. I find enjoyment from both Warwick Davis and Ice T in their characters. The characters of the good guys weren’t terrible and the only cringeworthy moments for me were with the transgender Fontaine Rivera. The ending sets it apart from the rest because when we deal with monsters that have multiple sequels, it was rare even then for even one movie to have that monster win against the good guys. This is definitely a vast improvement than that Leprechaun In Space film, although you can easily disagree with me and I would have no problem with it.

So one more Leprechaun film to….



You would think the next film would be the last, but in 2018, Lionsgate made another Leprechaun film which is a direct sequel to the first film.

So please tell me they got Warwick Davis back.

No, they did not. They did ask this time, but Warwick has had kids since the last film and he won’t do horror movies anymore until his youngest kid turns 18. So a different actor plays the Leprechaun in this direct sequel to the first film.


Well, it is that time. I now get to make you watch movies that I chose for your suffering.

I’m aware. So what is your first film.

Well, I had four films ready for you, but I know I need five so I decided for this first film, I would allow your fans to choose your torture and of course, they did not disappoint. Time for some Seussfuckery .

This Is Going To Suck

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