Saturday, May 11, 2024

RIP Roger Corman

1926 - 2024

It is sad to learn that one of the most well known masters of B-Movies, the one and only Roger Corman, has passed away at the age of 98. Boy has this guy been a huge part of Monster Crap over the years with many inductions whether he directed, produced (some of them without a credit to his name), or distributed those movies and I dont even need to say what he is well known for because there is just so much that I dont want to slight any films. But let's get to the films that he has done that have been inducted in order of their induction. 

And I know more will be inducted. He will definitely be missed by Monster Crap. 

1 comment:

  1. He is the veteran American TV/film director producer and scrrenwriter star in several TV films and media from the 1950's to the 1970's/1980's era dubbed as the "King of B-movies/King of Pop Culture" by the foreign media in entertainment history died on 5-9-2024 at the age of 97-98 years old and a true icon of Hollywood cult movies.
