Saturday, October 30, 2021

Monster Crap: Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter (1966)

Monster Crap Inductee: Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter
Does Not Go As Well As Peanut Butter Cups


The genre of the Western is an interesting one to say the least. Back in the day, there was a glut of western movies released every year because of their easy moral values of good vs. bad which made them easy to make, despite being not cheap. Unfortunately as time has worn on, westerns have not been the easy moral values due to looking back at the ugly parts as well at the time and the cost has not gone down for them while the value of the return has been less than stellar. Bottom line is they aren’t cheap anymore and you really have to make something good with it to separate it from the loads and loads of other westerns.

Of course, sadly another part of history involves for one reason or another, trying to glorify those who were well known by many at the times and that includes outlaws who mostly killed. Hell, a certain western The Man Who Shot Liberty Vance had a certain quote that is still sadly used today with anyone in “when the legend becomes fact, print the legend”, meaning even if certain things didn’t go exactly as believed, print it anyway because it would be way more messy to do otherwise with not as much recognition.

Take Wrestlemania III for example and the BS attendance of 93,173 people who attended the Pontiac Silverdome to watch it. Of course that was an inflation of the numbers and many people have since said the real attendance is in the 70,000s, which is still a lot. However, more people will still say that the event did the BS number because going deeper into it is messy and we don’t really want to get that messy. It’s stupid, but there are a whole lot of intellectual neat freaks.

So we of course go to the Outlaws like Billy The Kid, Belle Star, Butch Cassidy, and of course, Jesse James. We do the same to make legends of great sheriffs like Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, and Doc Holliday. It’s just the nature of storytellers and thus we omit the messy parts and strongly feature the noteworthy parts. And thus we come to this month’s induction of Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter.

Why the hell we included Frankenstein’s Daughter to the mix. Well, the easy answers are one: we need a bigger villain than the freaking outlaw who killed people (and who sympathize with the Confederates even after The Civil War)

All Of Which Will Of Course Never Be Mentioned. But Hey, Let’s Not Get Too Much Into The Terrible Things Jesse Did Or We Could Be Here For Days And In Plenty Of Arguments With People Who Somehow See Jesse James As A Robin Hood Type Outlaw Although That Crap Has NEVER Been Proven.

And two: all the story’s of Victor Frankenstein were set in older times in Europe so we can’t freaking use the original guy so we create his daughter. But the more noteworthy answer is another movie was being shot at around the same time and it was called Billy The Kid vs. Dracula (which we’ll talk about some other time) and both were shot at the same time in the same area so they could become a double feature because back in those days, many movies needed to be double features for the average theater goer to go to your movie.

Not much to talk about with the cast and director of this film since the bigger attention was paid to Billy The Kid vs. Dracula so let’s get to the induction.

We begin with the opening credits and opening title crawl.

While the credits are going on, we see people packing up and leaving town.

We then go to a house where Juanita Lopez and her parents have decided to stay since they are waiting for Juanita’s brother who is working at the castle that houses Frankenstein’s granddaughter and her brother. Yes, despite the movie talking about Frankenstein’s daughter, it is actually Frankenstein’s granddaughter.

Anyway, Juanita is upset that the Frankenstein’s will not let her see her brother because he has “the sickness”. She is upset that ever since those two came here, men have died and the town is being abandoned. These dead people weren’t even getting Christian burials so Juanita definitely thinks those two are killing while the parents (who were played by two actors who were and stayed married) believe the Frankenstein’s BS about this disease. We then go to a painting of a house.

Inside, we see doctors Maria and Rudolph Frankenstein trying to experiment with Francisco Lopez

Don’t Ask About The Stupid Hat

Rudolph is not happy to keep doing these experiments while Maria loves it and loves the place they live in because of the number of thunderstorms that happen here. Rudolph also wants to go back to Vienna, but Maria reminds him that they were chased out of Vienna so they can’t go back. They try to turn Francisco into a monster that Maria can control. Francisco wakes up for a second, but then passes out. Maria wants him to get an injection of something to keep him alive, however Rudolph uses poison instead.

Francisco dies and Maria is upset that her attempts to create a monster who she can control has failed again. She uses notes from her grandfather and thinks she needs to find someone young and strong to be her next experiment. Yeah, Maria is definitely all kinds of evil in this film. Rudolph mentions that this caused the deaths of their grandfather and father and Maria calls her father a weakling, while also saying that Rudolph reminds her of her dad. Rudolph mentions Juanita and Maria is not happy about her interference. Rudolph is more upset about them being alone without the town. Maria says they are safer here than anywhere else in the world. She then talks about finding the right man for her experiments.

We then go to the man who might fit the bill for what she wants in Hank Tracy, who is fighting right now.

Not A Real Member Of The Gang

He wins his fight which helps his friend gets some money.

The guy he was betting against tries to not pay up for losing the bet on who is the better fighter, but then the friend reveals that he is Jesse James.

Yep…..This Friend Here Is Jesse James

He takes the bet money and Jesse reveals that the James Gang was not killed up in Northridge, but they have been on the run ever since.

Gotta stop here. The James-Younger Gang were never in Northridge. They were in Northfield, Minnesota (which is where most of the gang got annihilated in a botched bank heist), but they were never in a place called Northridge. In fact, Northridge is in California while the James-Younger Gang were mostly in Missouri, although the Northfield issue happened in Minnesota.

Back to the film, they get a big juicy steak and pay for it with the saloon owner’s own money. Afterwards, Jesse and Hank meet up with a gang that is called The Wild Bunch.

Oh I Wish It Were That Wild Bunch

But instead it is these guys.

By The Way, None Of The Guys Who This Movie Says Was In This Gang.....Were Actually Part Of The Real Gang

One of the guys named Lonny Curry is upset that his brother called in Jesse James to help as this was their scheme and they shouldn’t have to share. The other guy named Butch slaps Lonny and reveals that they are brothers. Lonny wishes Butch had talked it over with him, but Butch says that he is the leader and he doesn’t have to talk about it with anyone. Jesse and Hank arrive and talk over business and like the James Gang, the Wild Bunch has also had issues as there are only 3 men left. We find out that Jesse’s brother is hiding out in Kentucky as a preacher (and Frank will never show up in this film and of course, he wouldn’t because he settled down in Virginia after being done with all this shit and not Kentucky). Once again, Jesse has to prove he is who he is.

Meanwhile, Lonny has decided to betray the gang to the local marshal MacPhee.

He gets MacPhee on board and says that he plans on going clean after this deal. So the Wild Bunch and the James Gang try the scheme and it turns out to be a trap with the marshal arriving and Butch gets killed.

Jesse and Hank try to get away, but Hank gets injured thanks to a pot shot from Lonny.

Jesse’s shots force Lonny to run so Jesse and Hank get away. With the Wild Bunch dead, Lonny goes with Marshal MacPhee to chase after Jesse and Hank. Jesse and Hank find a place to rest for the night and wouldn’t you know it, the Lopez family have set up camp there as well.

The Lopez family first thinks Jesse and Hank are there to rob them, but Jesse assures them that the two mean no harm and just need a place to camp for the night. Juanita sees that Hank has been shot and Jesse gives the excuse that Hank was cleaning his gun and it went off. Juanita tells them there is a doctor in the town of Prescott, but they cannot go into that town. Juanita understands and says she knew exactly that they were outlaws as soon as she saw them. Juanita says she will take Hank to the doctors which Jesse is grateful for. Juanita tells her parents that she will be taking them to the doctor and that her parents should continue on their way, with her joining them later. The parents are against this idea, but she goes anyway during the night when the parents are sleeping.

The next day, Lonny and MacPhee come upon the Lopez parents. They say they are looking for a big man who is wounded and a smaller man. The Lopez dad says he has not seen them, but it seems they left money. Lonny threatens the parents, but the marshal tells him to leave them alone.

Jesse, Juanita, and Hank stop for the day with Juanita going to get some water for Hank. A Native American kidnaps Juanita and fights Jesse with Jesse winning in the end by using the native’s own knife against him.

There are more Native Americans coming so Jesse and Juanita hide until the natives leave because even Jesse knows that he would get killed thanks to the numbers game. Afterwards, Jesse and Juanita kiss which I guess makes them a couple now.

Yeah….I Doubt The Real Jesse James Would Do This Considering In One The James-Younger Gang (The Actual Name Of The Gang) Train Robberies, They Wore Freaking KKK Hoods.

Juanita then takes Jesse and Hank back into town and since Maria and Rudolph Frankenstein are technically doctors, that is who Juanita takes them too. This of course is despite the fact that Juanita knows those two are up to no good which confuses the hell out of me.

Rudolph is very nervous about all of this while Maria is all too happy to help, especially since Hank is the type of big man she has been looking for. Maria tells Jesse to wait in the hall while the two doctors examine Hank. While examining, Hank blurts out that his friend is Jesse James and that makes Maria really happy.

McPhee and Lonny come into town and go to the house that Juanita seems to be in. Because they don’t know who Juanita is despite meeting her parents, the marshal just introduces themselves and asks if she has seen the two men they are looking for, which Juanita is of course going to deny. The marshal even looks around (without a warrant) and finds nothing, although he didn’t really look.

Jesse James goes over to the Frankenstein house and going by the name of Mr. Howard, asks how his friend is doing. Maria says he is very sick and has a high temperature, but she assures him that her brother is an excellent doctor. Maria invites Jesse to the library and asks if Juanita told them any terrible tales about them, which Jesse says she hasn’t told him anything about them. Maria is curious about that and that just makes Jesse curious about why they would think Juanita would say anything about them. Maria then explains that her brother and her are scientists who got kicked out of their home country and are living here because their experiments, which she believes may be ahead of the time, displeased the locals. We also find out that the place they live in now used to be a monastery. It doesn’t play into anything so that info is completely…

Maria then offers Jesse some food and Jesse is about to eat when there is a knock on the door. Maria answers the door while Jesse hides and of course, it is MacPhee and Lonny. They ask the same question they asked Juanita and she gives them the same answer. Maria does though ask MacPhee where they will be staying if she sees anything and the marshal says that since he believes that the two outlaws are holed up somewhere nearby, that they will spend a few days in the nearby town of Shelby. After they leave, Maria goes back to Jesse and says he can stay the night while Hank is being taken care of. Jesse accepts and Maria leaves to see if her brother needs some help.

She goes to Rudolph and tells him that these two men are wanted men and that the marshal is nearby in case things go wrong. Rudolph wants her to stop the experiment, but Maria is insistent that her grandfather’s dreams must be kept alive. Maria then tells Rudolph to get Juanita to help out so the evil scientist can keep an eye on her. When Rudolph leaves, Maria remarks how perfect a specimen Hank is.

We then go to Juanita who has come to the house and is checking on Hank. Hank wakes up and he talks about how good Juanita has been to him and Jesse since they have arrived. Hank wants Juanita to go with them, but she declines as she plans on staying here because the townspeople will come back when the Frankensteins leave. Hank thinks she might be wrong about them as they are treating him very well, but she explains her brother’s death and she blames the Frankensteins for it. Hank wants to stay with her (a hint he may be falling for her) and she says he mustn’t as they are outlaws. She leaves with Hank saying her name before he goes back to sleep.

We then cut to Juanita and Jesse as they are walking outside. She tells Jesse that Hank asked her to join them when they left and Jesse sighs. She asks Jesse if he wants her to go with them and Jesse is very mixed on the idea because as he does like her, he knows he has done some terrible things and he doesn’t want the consequences for those terrible things to fall on her too. They kiss again and tells her that that kiss is his answer, which means yes. Juanita then decides that she can’t leave town so she still won’t go with them, but she did have to know if Jesse did want her. Jesse is a bit frustrated that this whole debate was pointless to begin with, but she tells him that she doesn’t trust the Frankensteins and she doesn’t want him to get hurt. She then tells them that they need to leave once Hank is better. Another kiss and Juanita says that some day when things are different, he will come back, which Jesse agrees with. Maria comes out and wants to speak with Jesse, which Juanita takes her leave.

Jesse asks why the town is a ghost town and Maria says that they are scientists and these people are ignorant so they’ve run away. Jesse comments on the graves and Maria says they got sick and were weak, unlike Hank. Jesse asks how soon they can leave and Maria wants to speak to him about that. She wants them to stay, but Jesse says he made a promise that Hank and him would leave as soon as Hank was well. Then Maria makes the moves on Jesse.

I Guess In The Wild West, Women In Their 30s Could Not Help But Fall In Love With Skinny Guys With Mustaches

Unfortunately for her, Jesse is not interested in her as he is in love with someone else. He says that they will leave as soon as Hank is well to travel. Maria does not take rejection well and storms off. The next day, Rudolph comes to his sister and Maria tells him to give Jesse this envelope. She tells him to tell Jesse that it is a prescription for Hank in the nearby town of Shelby, which he is to give to the pharmacist. She also tells him to tell him that Hank has taken a turn for the worse so he needs the medicine. Rudolph knows this is a lie and says what is really on the note, which Maria replies that it is a note that says the note bearer is Jesse James, who has a price on his head. She is setting him up to die, which she would have done herself….but she wanted Jesse for herself. Rudolph tries to talk her out of this, but Maria is determined to make him pay for choosing Juanita over her. Rudolph laughs that Maria is human like the rest of us after all and she is pissed so she slaps him. Rudolph then meekly leaves and does what he is told.

We then go to Jesse telling Juanita that he needs to get medicine for Hank and Juanita is suspicious as she saw him this morning and he was fine. Juanita tells him that they are just sending him away to get rid of him and of course, Jesse (not acting like the outlaw he really is) believes the Frankensteins would have no reason to get rid of him.

Yeah….have to stop you there. At the later stages of Jesse James’ life, Jesse was not exactly trusting of anyone, but two people. And the hilarious and ironic thing is those two men who he trusted were the brothers Charley and Robert Ford? And as you have guessed from a certain 2007 film starring Brad Pitt, those brothers (particularly Robert) who be the ones who shot him in the back of the head while he was hanging and cleaning a picture to his wall (in St. Joseph. Missouri…might I add). So the more realistic outcome is Jesse James leaves, sneakily reads the letter in the envelope, sees it is a trap, goes back to the house to shoot both Maria and Rudolph, get Hank up, and just before leaving town, shoot Juanita while revealing he never really loved her since he only loves his freaking cousin (although he may have also wanted to have sex with his sister too because Jesse loved to keep his love in the family).

My Thoughts Exactly, Ice Cube…

Back to the movie, Jesse says that he will be back despite Maria telling him not to go. So as Jesse rides off to Shelby, Maria and Rudolph get Hank prepared for the experiment.

And Put An Obvious Bald Cap On His Head Because They Are Going To Need A Bald Head For When They Do The Brain Transplant Since Hair Does Make Things Really Messy.

Rudolph once again tries to tell Maria how insane this is, but Maria says they shall soon see which one of them is insane. Maria also assumes that Jesse will be dead in Shelby so there is no need to worry about repercussions from him. Lightning awakes Juanita and she decides to sneak into the Frankenstein house to see what they are doing. By the time Juanita sees what the Frankensteins are doing, it is too late as Hank has a new brain.

And Fake Stitches On His Head

A dog starts making noises and Maria tells Rudolph to silence that dog. Rudolph does so and returns as Maria puts on a hat that will sync her thoughts to that of Hank’s.

Or Maybe She Is Trying To Do A Terrible Cosplay Of Jay Garrick Flash. Who Knows.

She gives commands that say that Hank Tracy will now be known as Igor.

Meh, Prefer This Igor Instead As He Is More Fun

Igor starts getting up, but goes back down. When Maria needs more juice, Rudolph tries the same poison trick he did on Francisco, but since his dumbass left the bottle out…Maria caught him this time. She fights with Rudolph and Igor suddenly arises again. Under Maria’s command, he kills Rudolph

Juanita in distress runs away to find Jesse while Maria demands Igor get Juanita for her. They go to Juanita’s house and with her not there, Maria thinks she is going to Jesse, but assumes Jesse will still be caught so she doesn’t care. We then cut to the town of Shelby the next day where Jesse gives the pharmacist the letter that he thinks is a prescription for what Hank needs.

The pharmacist reads the note, realizes this is Jesse James, tells Jesse he has to go get the medicine, and immediately finks to Lonny, who is at the sheriff’s office.

Lonny thinks he can take care of this himself (as the marshal and sheriff are out looking at a tip someone gave as where they may be hiding) and tries to ambush Jesse, but wouldn’t you know it, Lonny is a failure and is now a dead failure.

Jesse is upset with the pharmacist, but the pharmacist says he only did what it said to do on the note. Jesse reads the note and realizes he has been betrayed by Maria so he heads back to stop her. He meets up with Juanita and tells him of what Maria has done to Hank. She says she will be going to the marshal for help and Jesse does not have a problem with that. We cut to Juanita telling the marshal the whole story and the marshal believes it so he is on his way.

We then cut to Maria having Rudolph’s body buried by Igor and they return to the house just as Jesse James returns. Maria, realizing her plan for him to get captured in Shelby has failed, lets him in and soon has Igor go after Jesse and knock him out, with Maria planning for Jesse to suffer the same fate as Hank.

Igor looks at Jesse quizzically as if he might be remembering he is Hank, but Maria sends Igor to his room. Maria knocks Jesse out again and is about to experiment, but both Juanita and McPhee show up to interfere. MacPhee sees Jesse restrained and Maria summons Igor to knock out the marshal. Igor does so and Juanita shows up. Maria wants Igor to get Maria, but Juanita for some reasons spark memories and confusion in Igor/Hank so he decides he is going to kill Maria instead.

Maria dies and tries to do the same to Jesse, but Juanita decides to shoot Hank/Igor, who dies after saying Juanita’s name a few times. Hank is given a funeral and the two separate after a kiss as Jesse must go with the marshal and Juanita must stay in her village in hopes of people coming back now that the Frankensteins are dead.

And That Is The End Of This Movie

Not much is known about the box office so I can only say the movie was considered terrible by critics. And as you would guess, almost everyone in this film has since passed away (the only person who is still alive is Mark Norton (who played Francisco Lopez. the first person to die in movie oddly enough)). This would be the final acting film of Estelita Rodriguez (who played Juanita) as nearly a month before this film was released, Estelita would be found dead on her kitchen floor in 1966 at the young age of 37 and due to the fact that there was no autopsy (I’m going to an autopsy would have been against Estelita’s family’s wishes) so the cause of her death is still unknown.

The rest were not as sudden and unknown as Estelita’s. Nestor Paiva (who played the saloon owner who lost the bet to Jesse James in that fight) died the same year of this movie (although in September) at the age of 61, but his death was because of cancer. This would also be the last film of William Beadine (the director), but he would live until 1970 where he died at the age of 78 from uremic poisoning (nothing foul play like, just something where the kidneys stop blocking toxins out through your urine and is extremely rare). Steven Geray (who played Rudolph Frankenstein) died in 1973 at the age of 69. William Fawcett (who played the pharmacist) died in 1974 at the age of 79 from natural causes. Duke Fishman (who played an uncredited role as a townsperson) passed away in 1977 at the age of 71 after suffering a heart attack. Dan White (who played Pete Ketchum, the other member of the Wild Bunch) died in 1980 at the age of 72. Page Slattery (who played Deputy Andy) passed away in 1980 at the age of 52. Jim Davis (who played MacPhee) passed away in 1981 at the age of 75 (in Northridge, California oddly enough) from multiple myeloma). Loren Brown (who had an uncredited role as a townsperson) died in 1989 at the age of 72. Narda Onyx (who played Maria Frankenstein) died in 1991 at the age of 59. John Lipton (who played Jesse James) passed away in 1993 at the age 65 from heart disease. Felipe Turich (who played Juanita’s dad) died in 1993 at the age of 93 from pneumonia. Fred Stemrose (who played that guy who Hank beat in that fight) passed away in 1994 at the age of 64. Roger Creed (who played Butch Curry) passed away in 1997 at the age of 82. Rosa Turich (who played Juanita’s mom) passed away in 1998 at the age of 95 from a stroke. Rayford Barnes (who played Lonny Curry) passed away in 2000 at the age of 80. Cal Bolder (who played Hank Tracy/Igor) died in 2005 at the age of 73 from cancer.

So now it is time for my final thoughts on the film and…the film is just there. It is actually kind of boring if you think about it and in all honestly, take away the whole Frankenstein stuff and you have one of the most generic westerns you will ever see. Nobody is really any good or even interesting in any way. It is one of those films that will go one way in your brain and one way out the other side of your brain. Cannot really give this any kind of recommendation.

Hey NegaSeth…


What do you have for me next time and I hope it isn’t as generic as this film.

Oh be careful what you ask for because the next film will not be as generic as this one. It’s the return of an old friend to Monster Crap who after one decent movie, made his return to crap with the sequel. But don’t worry, he’ll be your friend till the end.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Monster Crap November 2021 Induction Poll

Well, it is time for another poll to see what that slime Seth Drakin inducts for the month of November. I have 10 choices and only 1 gets the induction. 

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Night of the Living Dead 3D (2006)
Night of The Living Dead Gets An Unneeded Remake (Because There Was Already A Good Remake Filmed)

Image result for pumpkinhead ashes to ashes dvd
Pumpkinhead: Ashes To Ashes (2006)
This Film Should Have Been Burned Before Release

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Cursed (2005)
Cursed Like The Production Team Do To A Crap Ton Of Meddling By The Weinstein Brothers, Thank God They Are Bankrupt And Gone From Hollywood. 

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Darkness Falls (2003)
The Film Debut Of Bad Director Jonathan Liebesman....Only Good Thing I Can Say Is I Like The Song That Is Played Over And Over Again

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Seed of Chucky (2004)
Bride Of Chucky Was Able To Revitalize The Chucky Franchise After The Horrible Child's Play 3, But This Sequel To Bride Of Chucky Would Once Again Put The Doll Back In His Grave

Flubber (1997)
A Remake Of The Absent Minded Professor That Is A Flub

Invaders from Mars remake (1986)
Tobe Hooper Proves Here That Even Good Directors Can Make Terrible Remakes

The Hills Have Eyes 2 (2007)
Wes Craven & Son Wrote This Entire Film Over The Span Of One Month And It Freaking Shows.

Shark Island aka Shark Week (2012)
A Crazy Rich Guy Wants Kids To Try To Survive 7 Days With 7 Different Species Of Shark. Must I Also Mention This Is A SyFy Original.

2 Headed Shark Attack
I Dont Know What To Be More Terrified By: The Terrible CGI Of The 2 Headed Shark Or Brooke Hogan's Acting. 

Poll ends October 30 at 12 AM

What should I induct for November 2021? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 25